Military History November 2009 Feature Opening
Besides color correcting these two paintings, the art director wanted the Commodore silo'd with a soft shadow sitting atop the naval battle scene. After color correcting both images, the Commodore was silo'd, shadowed, and combined with the other image. Using a layout file from the art director, was able to accurately position the two files. One final comped image was given back to the art director for easy use in the layout.
America's Civil War November 2012 Feature Image
This was a reflective that needed scanned and heavily cleaned up. Healing brush and cloning tool provided necessary means for me to restore the photo to a more pristine finish. Some toning in the levels and other tweaks gave the image great contrast. Before image is on the left, after on the right.
Vietnam Magazine August 2010 Feature Images
Art director desperately wanted to use these 2 Vietnam era photos but feared the color cast could not be removed to make them viable. Using some levels tricks and other color balancing adjustments I was able to greatly help the images look a lot more realistic. In fact, one was used as a spread image for the opening of the feature as shown in the layout pages.
Military History Winter 2010 Editorial Image
This silver gilt pocket watch needed to be on a white background with a new drop shadow added. After color correcting and sharpening the photo, I silo'd the watch from the background. Using some transformations and gradients I was able to construct a new drop shadow that pleased the art director.
Military History Magazine January 2010
The magazine was eager to use this image on the cover, however it was lacking serious height required. I was tasked with trying to fill the sky with more smoke and soot to reach the correct height of the the trim size. Sky had to maintain some sort of molting/smoke impression. A flat color was not desired. Lots of coloring and filter effects gave it the desired effect and it was used on the cover as shown. This issue of the magazine was nominated for an ASME National Magazine Award